The Gunk in the Glide


Two weeks ago I had a client come in complaining of dizziness every time he flexed his neck forward.

When had it started? After a self adjustment.

Now the most important disclaimer and a huge takeaway from this entry... anybody save for a trained profession should NEVER even consider cracking or adjusting a joint on themselves or anybody else for that matter. It's incredibly dangerous and you can end up with issues like the gentleman that ended up on my table or far worse.

We performed a thorough assessment and ruled out many of the typical suspects.

CN VIII? Fine. Upper cervical ligaments? Fine.

His anterior neck flexors were inhibited but only for a few moments after movement.

What was the ultimate issue that he had ended up creating for himself?

He had a glide dysfunction in his lower cervicals that was only present while glide of one vertebrae over another should have been occurring.

Hence, dizzy during movement and subsiding symptoms upon remaining still in position.

Whilst performing cervical flexion, the lower vertebral bodies should translate anteriorly over each other while the disc is driven posterior. Improper glide can lead to any handful of symptoms associated with general instability.

After parsing out exactly what and where the paired receptor was located, it was a quick fix.

Don't wait to reach out if you are suffering from pain, discomfort, or decreased performance.

I personally have colleagues help me with my own dysfunctions as much as possible, as it's impossible to have an entirely unbiased opinion when looking at your own problems.

Always seek out a qualified professional and don't hesitate to ask for help!

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